
Turning Water Data Into Business Outcomes

SWAN’s configurable water and nutrient management software is the industry’s first software and services suite that ensures the business of irrigation management.

Our technology integrates, upgrades, and enables the strategic touchpoints between business and agronomy, helping you make the most out of every drop of water for your land, crop, and bottom line.

A global imperative

Global demand for food and water is set to double over coming decades. The changing climate is putting pressure on our available resources, making it critical to conserve what we have.

At the same time, irrigators are recognising the importance of data in informing their planning, budgeting, monitoring, management, and reporting of water and nutrients applied. Whether it’s agriculture or urban green space, the use of smart software can help make sense of this data to enable better management decisions.

That’s where we come in. SWAN Systems is a science-based and user-friendly decision support system that will help you to navigate these factors in a cost effective and accountable way, helping you to save time and resources, increase yield and reduce harmful leaching/runoff.

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Revolutionising the agricultural,
horticultural & public amenities

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What are SWAN users saying?

“Taking the guesswork out of your irrigation scheduling and water management is no easy task, regardless of whether you are tech-enabled or not. SWAN Systems enables growers to meet the varying demands of their crop, no matter the size of their farm operation. SWAN provides the necessary insights to better manage your water resources to make every drop count.”

“The City of Melbourne had been looking for an integrated and configurable irrigation water management platform. SWAN Systems was successfully tested in one of our parks, and as it met our requirements we are now gradually implementing the system in all our open space areas.”

Mohammad Kharouf - Water Management Officer, City of Melbourne

“SWAN’s ability to incorporate its own unique algorithms with soil moisture probe data and satellite imagery takes my holistic farm management capability to another level.”

Roger Fahl - Director, Fruitico

“SWAN Systems helps us do our job by bringing all the information together into one place where we can view the data – and so can our clients.”

Ken Johnston - Co-Director, Sports Turf Technology

Industries we serve



Changing climates, government regulations and the unpredictability of circumstances make succeeding in agriculture challenging, which is why it’s critical to accurately monitor and manage your inputs for the best result.

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Ensure that the crops you cultivate generate the best yields at the lowest cost with a water and nutrient management system designed to help you meet your goals.

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Water Utilities

Water Utilities

Effectively managing your recycled/reclaimed irrigation water projects while meeting community and stakeholder requirements is made simple with SWAN’s irrigation management and reporting software.

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Public Open Spaces

Public Open Spaces

Maintain quality public open spaces through effective water and nutrient management using SWAN’s revolutionary irrigation management software aimed at saving water and money while keeping plants and parks healthy and vibrant.

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Golf Courses

Golf Courses

Distribute water and nutrients across golf courses in the most cost-effective way while ensuring the grass is as luscious and inviting as possible.

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Schools, Land Developers, Ovals & More

Schools, Land Developers, Ovals & More

Easily and effortlessly maintain parks and ovals by balancing irrigation needs with activity use, all while reducing water costs with SWAN Systems.

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Latest news

Transcending the Data Deluge in Modern Agriculture

October 17th, 2023|

More than 150 years ago, Mark Twain famously said, “It’s not what you don’t know that kills you, it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” And that is just as true today as when he first said it. This insight led to the birth of SWAN, a tool designed to deal with data and transform it into meaningful, actionable insights. SWAN prioritizes presenting you with clear, useful information over inundating you with endless streams of data.

The OODA Loop in the Fields: How a Fighter Pilot’s Strategy Streamlines Irrigation Management

August 17th, 2023|

Have you ever heard of "Forty-Second Boyd," the U.S. Air Force legend? Beyond his aerial feats, Commander John Boyd developed the OODA loop - Observe, Orient, Decide, Act. At SWAN Systems, we’ve harnessed the essence of Boyd’s methodology to reimagine irrigation.

From Chaos to Clarity: Embracing Irrigation Technology Optimization

June 21st, 2023|

Picture this: you're trying to solve a massive jigsaw puzzle, but there's no guide image. Feeling overwhelmed already? Well, that's the same feeling many in the agricultural industry face when managing irrigation. Confusing sensor readings, disparate data, clunky devices - it's a complex task. But what if we could simplify it all?

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