
SWAN Systems internal and industry insights to help you optimise your irrigation and nutrient management.

Transcending the Data Deluge in Modern Agriculture

More than 150 years ago, Mark Twain famously said, “It’s not what you don’t know that kills you, it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” And that is just as true today as when he first said it. This insight led to the birth of SWAN, a tool designed to deal with data and transform it into meaningful, actionable insights. SWAN prioritizes presenting you with clear, useful information over inundating you with endless streams of data.

2023-10-17T04:00:09+08:00Tags: , |

The OODA Loop in the Fields: How a Fighter Pilot’s Strategy Streamlines Irrigation Management

Have you ever heard of "Forty-Second Boyd," the U.S. Air Force legend? Beyond his aerial feats, Commander John Boyd developed the OODA loop - Observe, Orient, Decide, Act. At SWAN Systems, we’ve harnessed the essence of Boyd’s methodology to reimagine irrigation.

2023-08-17T02:16:58+08:00Tags: , |

From Chaos to Clarity: Embracing Irrigation Technology Optimization

Picture this: you're trying to solve a massive jigsaw puzzle, but there's no guide image. Feeling overwhelmed already? Well, that's the same feeling many in the agricultural industry face when managing irrigation. Confusing sensor readings, disparate data, clunky devices - it's a complex task. But what if we could simplify it all?

2023-08-17T02:19:38+08:00Tags: , |

Water management software for almonds – Making Every Drop Count

In this report we detail the success of SWAN Systems over the very dry 2021 irrigation season. Bottom line – the ranch experienced an overall 40% productivity increase. Making every drop count was our objective – and our achievement.

2022-04-22T05:00:04+08:00Tags: |

On the application of SWAN Systems to the wine industry globally

What does international viticulture expert, James Wright, have to say about how SWAN helps grape growers to achieve their quality and efficiency goals? This report explores various viticulture best practices from the VitiSynth Global Audit© Criteria and how they relate to SWAN Systems features.

2020-12-17T09:37:53+08:00Tags: |
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