
SWAN Systems internal and industry insights to help you optimise your irrigation and nutrient management.

Irrigation in the Australian sugarcane industry

As a sugarcane grower or crop water manager, it's hard to know what type of irrigation is best suited to your operations. Our Technical Support Officer explores the topic of irrigation in the Australian sugarcane industry, explaining the different types and benefits/drawbacks of common irrigation techniques.


Urban Green Space and Water Conservation: Can We Have Both?

As cities and suburbs become increasingly built-up, having enough urban green space to supplement them is more important than ever. Smart irrigation that makes the most out of every drop of water is key to maintaining our all-important urban green spaces; whilst conserving water.


Smart Irrigation Feature: Public open space and smart water management technology

The Summer 2019 edition of The Irrigation Australia Journal includes a Smart Irrigation feature, and we were honoured to contribute. The focus of this feature is to look at the application of digital technology to irrigation.

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