
SWAN Systems internal and industry insights to help you optimise your irrigation and nutrient management.

SWAN Systems: Delivering Precision Irrigation to Australian Farmers

SWAN Systems, based in Perth, Western Australia, has built an Internet of things (IoT) platform that uses irrigation data from multiple sources to help farmers precisely manage their irrigation. SWAN’s decision-support software allows for better irrigation and nutrient management, the optimised use of scarce resources, and better environmental outcomes. SWAN is looking for partners for a trial expansion into the United States in 2020.


Premier’s Agriculture and Aquaculture Entrepreneurship Program

In 2017, the WA State Government helped support SWAN Systems' development by awarding us with a grant under the Premier’s Agriculture and Aquaculture Entrepreneurship Program. See what our founders had to say about their experience with the program.


SWAN Systems wins the DXC Digital Innovation Encouragement Award at the 2018 WA Innovator of the Year Awards.

SWAN Systems took out top honour in the Digital Innovation category at the WA Innovator of the Year awards ceremony held at Kings Park on Wednesday November 7. For SWAN Systems, winning this award is a valuable recognition of the great work our team has invested and continues to invest into transforming the irrigation industry with our revolutionary technology.


Piara Waters Sporting Oval – Using Data To Save Water and Make Irrigation Decisions With Confidence

The Piara Waters complex is a challenging site to manage, however significant potential water savings were able to be identified. We found there was potential to save over 20% in water which led to an estimated 40% reduction in drainage of irrigation water beyond the rootzone. Having data collated from different sources (flow meters, soil moisture probes, satellite imagery, climatic data, and forecast and actual weather) available in one place for analysis and translation into actionable information were identified as key benefits.

2020-11-05T07:26:43+08:00Tags: |

Lightning Park – A Retrospective Analysis Using SWAN Systems

Without proper scheduling tools, irrigators – erring on the side of caution – typically overestimate water requirements by 20%. Lightning Park comes with specific turf management considerations, which make optimisation of irrigation applications even more challenging. SWAN Systems was used for retrospective analysis of the previous year's irrigation. In total, it was discovered that watering was 10% over budget for the 2017/18 irrigation season. SWAN Systems is now helping to facilitate improved management of soil moisture, turf condition and water allocation.

2020-06-14T17:19:10+08:00Tags: |

Alkimos Beach Urban Development – 30% Water Saving Using SWAN Systems

SWAN Systems was used to review leaching estimates and soil moisture status and identified that significant water and nutrient savings were possible. It was found water applications could be reduced by 30%, with a concomitant reduction in energy use.

2020-08-26T16:32:19+08:00Tags: |

SWAN Systems: Saving Water on Public Open Space

A number of pilot projects using SWAN Systems have been conducted throughout Australia. These include trials in the agricultural, horticultural, golf and public open space sectors. The trials in public open space have been featured in the Autumn Edition of The Overflow magazine.  Case studies from the golf, agricultural and horticultural sectors will soon be featured on our blog. Thanks to all our trial participants for their support!

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