How It Works

Features Table

Features Details SWAN Imagery SWAN Smart Water 4 Schools SWAN Enterprise SWAN Enterprise Multi Accounts
SWAN Systems account Account access. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Users Unlimited. Yes Yes Yes Yes
SWAN dashboard Up-to-date information on site health, soil moisture balance, annual water usage, applied nutrients, weather observations and forecast weather. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Satellite imagery, multiple indices Every 5 days, look back up to 3 years, unlimited number of locations. Standard with a SWAN account. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Daily satellite imagery Optional: Daily imagery from Planet for more intensive remote sensing. Medium to high resolution. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Reporting Report on soil moisture status, budget to actual fertiliser and water usage. Compare remote sensing data with data from previous years and guidelines. Download data to Excel for your own analysis. Yes Yes Yes
Aggregation of data into SWAN cloud Automatic collection and uploading of data into SWAN’s cloud, securely hosted on Microsoft Azure. Yes Yes Yes
Access to SWAN’s comprehensive crop library Formulate detailed irrigation management plans with ease using SWAN’s crop library, based on scientifically proven research from global institutions. Yes Yes Yes
Irrigation scheduling Easily plan irrigation events for the coming week for as many fields as required. Yes Yes Yes
API access to irrigation schedules Make the coming week’s irrigation schedules available to third party irrigation control systems to semi-automate irrigation scheduling. Yes Yes Yes
Annual water usage Easily plan weekly, monthly or annual water requirements using crop models and historical weather. Yes Yes Yes
Irrigation controller Optional: SWAN offers a complete package including the irrigation controller. Yes
Nutrient planning With a few simple steps, work out what fertilisers (including fertigation) are needed to meet your nutrient targets, and when to apply these to match plant uptake. Or simply upload your existing plans. Yes Yes
Water services Speak to us about your requirements and how we can help you be better irrigators. We offer everything from weekly mentorship and training to full irrigation support with weekly meetings. Yes Yes Yes
SWAN Enterprise dashboard Have an easy to access overview of multiple separate properties. Yes

Technology & Integration

SWAN uses a mixture of industry-best-practice crop models and tailored models based on your specific crop, variety, soil type, climate, season, irrigation system details and more to determine how much water you need at any given time. As a secure, web-based decision support system that is based on science, you can rest assured that your data is both accurate and safe.

Unlike other irrigation management products, SWAN Systems is designed to work with any hardware. This makes it very adaptable and versatile, enabling you to manage irrigation at the whole farm level in one platform; even with a mixture of infrastructure types.

Information & Benefits

Soil moisture measurement that is hardware independent

Hardware independent – use your existing hardware

Soil moisture monitoring where you own and use your data

Own and use your data

Streamline management decisions with soil moisture measurement and monitoring

Streamline management decisions

Improve plant yield and/or quality

Improve plant yield and/or quality

Save resources (water, nutrients, energy, time)

Save resources (water, nutrients, energy, time)

Protect the soil and the surrounding environment

Protect the soil and the surrounding environment

The Dashboard

SWAN’s interface is designed to be simple, intuitive and user friendly, allowing less technically-experienced staff to easily manage irrigation and crop fertiliser programs, while at the same time allowing technical people to optimally configure the system as needed.

When users log in to SWAN Systems, they are presented with a dashboard which provides them with the snapshot of their account, including information on site health, a water usage summary, a forecast soil moisture summary and a weather forecast.

To learn more about the SWAN Systems dashboard, click on the features below.

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The Functionality

The initial set up in SWAN involves drawing a site using the integrated Google Maps function (or directly importing a KML file) which is then linked to available equipment, including weather stations, flow meters and soil moisture probes. Characteristics specific to each site, including soil and crop characteristics, water budgets, irrigation system details, and weather data sources are then configured. SWAN collects and analyses data from all of these sources and then provides information on future irrigation needs to keep predicted soil moisture in defined optimal zones.

With this information managers are able to make informed decisions to increase or decrease irrigation to ensure plants are provided with optimal water and nutrients to meet their needs.

In addition to water management, SWAN has sophisticated fertiliser planning, logging and reporting functionalities. These include being able to automatically include irrigation water nutrient loads for fertiliser planning, and reporting of usage against budgets. This has clear benefits for recycled/reclaimed water projects, but also for any fertilised fields where savings can be made by considering background water nutrient load.

We’re Revolutionising Industry.

Minimising costs, maximising results.

With our software, you can view real results and make data-backed decisions around water and nutrient allocation. Contact us today for a free discussion with one of our irrigation experts. 

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